Infantile Education
Children in kindergarten have a unique nature, a unique way of feeling and thinking. The formation of their self-image and understanding of the world is built during this stage and serves for everything they will learn and do in the future.
Therefore, this phase of early childhood education must be respected, experienced, and nurtured in order to broaden the experiences and conditions for its formation. Like all other phases, this one cannot be skipped. Because without a comprehensive development of certain skills, it will not be possible to save childhood afterwards. At Children's FourC, students are supervised by two permanent professionals and have classes with specialists in sports, art, music, theater, nutrition and technology.
For students in Kindergarten I, interdisciplinary learning time in English is 20%. For children in kindergarten II, interdisciplinary learning time in English is 80%. In this cycle, we take into account the immersion period, which is three years.
Interage classrooms
The education of children at FourC has inter-age spaces that allow for development at different paces and respect the natural learning process of each student. In addition, the classroom environment is rich in reading and math foundations.